Youtube will delete such account, new terms will apply from 10 December

Content creators have criticized the new terms of service of Google-owned YouTube. According to the new conditions, if the account of the users is not ‘commercially viable’, then in such a situation the company will terminate the account access of the users. That is, if YouTube is not benefited from your account, then it will delete your account.

It was told that the new conditions will be applicable from December 10. The video-sharing platform has started sending emails to users since last week so that they can get information about the upcoming changes.

According to the new terms of YouTube, if the user’s account is not ‘commercially viable’, then in such a situation YouTube can terminate the account access of the users. It further states, ‘We will inform you of the exact reason for termination or suspension’.

Content creators have not liked this new change at all. The Twitter user wrote that everyone should tell YouTube that this is not right. This will affect everyone, including the content creators of everyone’s choice. They want to say that if they will no longer benefit from you, they will delete your accounts.


Sachin Gill
Sachin Gill

Expert in Tech, Smartphone, Gadgets. It Works on the latest tech news in the world.

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