Apple launches subscription based video service Apple TV Plus, Ad Free Experience and Apple Original Show’s Usage

Apple TV Plus service launched on Monday night at Apple’s Show Time Event. From the time the invitation was sent to the event, speculations were being made that Apple is going to launch its own TV and video streaming service on the lines of Netflix and Amazon Prime Video. Oprah Winfrey is present with Tim Cook for launching the service at Steve Jobs Theater.

Apple TV Plus is a subscription-based video service, in which the user can only see Apple Original Show. Apart from Originals like Netflix and Amazon Prime, other popular shows and movies will not be in Apple’s service. Apple TV Plus has been added with the Apple App’s pre-existing app. The service will be started in May.

Apple TV Plus service begins from May

  1. Apple TV Plus is a service subscription based video service. In which Apple’s original content will be seen. It will be started from May 2019. It will be added in Apple’s already available Apple TV app. In addition to Apple Originals in service, Apple’s partners like HBO shows and films will also be available.
  2. Apple has joined hands with many big names in the TV and cinema industry for its service. Including Oprah Winfrey and Steven Spielberg. Apple TV Plus service will be launched in more than 100 countries. This service will be free. The company has not yet provided information about service fees.
  3. Apple is also going to launch Apple TV Channels with its service. Under this, more than 20 channels like MTV Hits, HBO, Cinemax can be found within Apple TV Plus. Users do not have to go to different apps for different channels.
  4. This service will start from April 2019 on the Apple TV app. The Apple TV app can be accessed on the iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch and Apple TV set-top box. The company has said that Apple TV Plus will be accessed on the iMac as well as Apple TV Plus service. With this, this app will be available in the coming time and also available on Amazon Fire TV.


Sachin Gill
Sachin Gill

Expert in Tech, Smartphone, Gadgets. It Works on the latest tech news in the world.

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